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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wyoming wildlife


we woke to a bright sunday morning.

relaxing in the village square,

we drank tea and watched the sun rise,

creating a vision of autumn colors:




I sat pondering the fact that we’d seen zero wild animals

in Yellowstone or Grand Teton National Parks.

a testament to the challenges of keeping things ‘wild’ in our National Park System?

on the road back to Jackson, however, we saw these two buffalo snoozing.





and this moose, unknowingly being ‘shot’ by a handful of travelers.

albeit their weapons were Nikons and Canons…




and last but not least, the vicious and oh so scary black doggy species.


don’t get too close!




along the ride back home we stopped along the crystal clear waters

of the Snake River, watching the fisherman unload their catch.

they pulled out a few nice cutthroat to show us.




and then back to Utah we went,

to the not so wild life…



1 comment:

  1. gorgeous courtney..."not so wild life" needs to be framed immediately!
