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Monday, August 16, 2010

tricky at hotel de ville

the other day, kasia emailed me and asked if i ‘wanted to go tricky’ at hotel de ville.
i emailed her back ‘go tricky?’ 
im thinking she left a word or two out.
luckily, she meant… ‘go see tricky. and uffie.’
(concert – for those of you unfamiliar)
pinch me.
nope, not dreaming.


  1. OK< I bumped into him in the street of the Marais the day before his concert (but was in Epernay on the actual night of the concert). How was it?? I LOVE Tricky. Though apparently my husband has no idea who he is. I had such a hard time expalining to him why I was so excited to have bumped into his in the streets...
